The New Roar of White Lion Labs: Welcoming 3x Olympian Charjo Grant

The New Roar of White Lion Labs: Welcoming 3x Olympian Charjo Grant

I'm thrilled to announce that White Lion Labs has enlisted its first major Olympian – Charjo Grant! His formidable presence and outstanding achievements make him an exceptional addition to our team, poised to be the face of our brand as we continue to expand our product line and brand recognition.

A Lion's Journey: Charjo's Competition Timeline

Charjo's path to professional bodybuilding was ignited in 2018, and his rise has been nothing short of meteoric. His first year on stage as was marked by impressive placements in four competitive shows - he secured 2nd place at Max Muscle VA, claimed the top spot at the Gran Prix in Maryland, finished 5th at the North American Championship, and placed 2nd overall at the Nationals.

With an unwavering commitment to his craft, Charjo continued to make his mark on the professional scene with two significant victories. He won the DC Pro competition in 2021, followed by another triumph at the Vancouver Pro in 2022.

His determination and hard work paid off in 2020 when he emerged as the Olympia Points Champ. As a three-time Olympian, Charjo's consistency has been evident; he moved up from 12th place in 2020 and 2021 to secure the 4th place in 2022, demonstrating a clear trajectory of improvement and success.

A Soldier's Strength: Military Background

Charjo's discipline and dedication extend beyond the stage of professional bodybuilding. He has served in the Army National Guard for 20 years, beginning his enlisted time from 2002 to 2006. He then transitioned to a commissioned officer from 2007 to the present, specializing as a Logistics Officer. His military journey includes a deployment, a testament to his commitment to service and fortitude.

Guiding the Pride: Charjo's Advice for New Competitors

For those looking to follow in his footsteps, Charjo has some words of wisdom. He advises new competitors to find a good coach that matches their personality, practice patience, study their craft, believe in themselves, and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Joining the Pride: Charjo on White Lion Labs

Charjo is excited to be part of the White Lion Labs family, a team that he believes truly focuses on what works, backed by science. He appreciates the brand's integrity and its commitment to creating highly marketable products for a wide audience. He also notes that the brand's aesthetic is highly appealing.

Balancing the Roar: Competing as a Family Man

As a family man, Charjo understands the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. He emphasizes that while it's important to be efficient and dedicated in your pursuits, family remains his top priority. He believes that if his family is not well, he cannot be at his best, a testament to his commitment to maintaining harmony in all aspects of his life.

As we welcome Charjo Grant to our team, we look forward to his leadership and contribution to White Lion Labs. With his talent, determination, and wisdom, we are confident that Charjo will indeed "lead the charge" (pun intended!) and help us roar even louder in the industry. Welcome aboard, Charjo – here's to an exciting journey together!

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